SAAP brings together healthcare professionals, researchers and scholars with connections and continued interest in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. SAAP is registered in the UK as a Community Interest Company. Our Mission is to be the regional hub for the advancement of pharmacy and related sectors in the SADC region.
Our vision is to harness the intellect of the human resource of our organisation and drive this energy to improve community access to safe, good quality and affordable healthcare. We will achieve this goal through collaboration and association with regional and international agencies, companies and individuals. We believe in strategic partnerships and we work with academic institutions, pharmacy industry, regulatory bodies and civic society. We deliver through research, convening, advocacy, teaching and training.

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Fuel our work and growth
We are always working to improve the the quality of healthcare in Africa by training healthcare professionals and collaborating with pharmaceutical companies and regulators to reduce health inequalitiess
17 Austhorpe Road, Leeds, LS15 8BA, United Kingdom
+27 61 869 6817 | +44 7870 260730